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Healthy Desserts

Fresh Lime Plum Jelly with Boba Pearl 天然金吉甘梅茶果冻寒天

Fresh Lime Plum Jelly with Boba Pearl 天然金吉甘梅茶果冻寒天

Fresh lime, plum, longan, basil seed, seaweed agar, jelly powder

Fresh Passion Fruit with Boba Pearl 天然百香果果冻寒天

Fresh Passion Fruit with Boba Pearl 天然百香果果冻寒天

Fresh passion fruit, longan, basil seed, seaweed agar, jelly powder

Fresh Le Huo Jelly with Boba Pearl 天然樂活果冻寒天

Fresh Le Huo Jelly with Boba Pearl 天然樂活果冻寒天

Fresh orange, pineapple, apple, passion fruit, longan, basil seed, seaweed agar, jelly powder

Fresh Lemon Jelly with Boba Pearl 天然柠檬果冻寒天

Fresh Lemon Jelly with Boba Pearl 天然柠檬果冻寒天

Fresh lemon, plum, longan, basil seed, seaweed agar, jelly powder

Fresh Osmanthus Fruit Agar with Boba Pearl  天然桂花果冻寒天

Fresh Osmanthus Fruit Agar with Boba Pearl 天然桂花果冻寒天

Fresh osmanthus, ongan, basil seed, seaweed agar, jelly powder

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